
An Award & Some Pictures

I really have no excuse for my absence besides the fact that I'm just a lazy bum who has been lacking photography inspiration. 
I'll do better this week, I swear. 

The fabulous Kathryn from over at Best Loved Dolls has come up with a new award, the Darling Doll Blog award. 
She was kind enough to award it to me. Thanks dear. ^_^
You can see the original post, and her lovely blog HERE

Here are the rules!

1. Nominate at least 5 doll blogs.
2. Copy and paste these rules to your award post and put this award on your sidebar/award page.
3. Ask 5 original, fun questions for your nominees.
4. Tell your nominees why you like their blog!

5. You are not obligated to do this award, but you can't take credit for it if you don't do an award post.

Here are the questions:

1. What do you look forward to most in 2015?
Hopefully earning enough money throughout the year to buy myself a nice Canon camera. 

2. If you only could watch two movies for the rest of your life, which movies would they be?
Two movies as in two solitary movies or would two movie series count? 
If for just two solitary movies, then The Desolation of Smaug & The Two Towers.
If two series, then LoTR & PoTC

3. What is your favorite book series?
Besides the obvious one, I really love Heirs of Chrior. 

4. If you could meet one blogger (not saying every blogger is amazing) who would it be?
Mmm... I'd really like to meet Evie. =)

5. If you had $100 that you could spend on one doll clothes store, which store would it be and what would you buy?
There's no way I could limit myself to just one store for doll clothes... I'd probably spread the money out across a few Etsy purchases.

I nominate: 

Kelsey- Empty Boxes is just my kind of crazy/fun, plus Kels is moi best friend. =)

Maddie- Dolls on My Mind is such a wonderful blog and M's photography is always gorgeous. 

Shelby-Grace- Oh My Dollies is the cutest blog around, and Shelby-Grace is just the darn sweetest thing. 

Olivia- AG Geeks is literally life, & Olivia is such a joy to talk to through comments. 

Ginny & June- Small Town American Girlz is such an enjoyable blog, and the two sisters are such sweeties. 

My Questions: 
1. Do you often wear slippers?
2. If you celebrate Christmas, do you have your tree up yet?
3. Favorite drink on a cold day?
4. Favorite foreign accent?
5. Who do you think is the kindest/sweetest commentor and/or follower?

Thanks again for the award Kathryn. =)

I've got a few pictures below...
They're kind of odd in a sense, because I took them at night and they're slightly spooky/Halloween-ish.
I'm not terribly happy with some of these but I think it was a good learning point for me to step out of what I normally do for pictures. 

I hope to have some Christmas portraits up soon and maybe a photo-story. =)



  1. Oh my word.
    Those photos.
    They're amazing! Every time I try to take pictures at night, they always turn out blurry for some reason. =/ oh well.

    1. Thanks Abigail! That means a lot. =)
      A lot of mine turned out blurry, but that may have been because my hands were shaking from the cold. xD

  2. Wow, thank you so much, Adi, for nominating me and saying such sweet things about me and my blog! It really does mean a ton to me. I just finished doing an award post and answered the questions :D

    ★ Shelby-Grace ★

    1. Oh, no problem, dear. I love your blog and you're such a kind person. =)
      Thanks for doing the award! I loved your answers. =)

  3. Oh, and those pictures of Charlie are absolutely perfect--They aren't spooky, they're hauntingly beautiful in my opinion (That sounded really weird :P) You are so creative and talented!

    ★ Shelby-Grace ★

    1. Aww, why thank you.
      No, it didn't sound weird. I know what you mean. xD
      Thanks again. =)

  4. Those pictures are so awesome! I need to try taking pictures at night!

    1. Thanks Emma! You should, it's a fairly interesting experience. =)

  5. Cool award! Love the pictures. :)
    Leah <3

  6. W O W. These photos are stunning! I LOVE the lighting of all of them.
    They look slightly spooky, yet just GORGEOUS at the same time!
    Yikes, and tell Charlie she is a amazing poser! (Or just take the compliment for yourself cause you posed her) xD

    1. Thanks Rylee! That means a lot. =)
      Haha, Charlie (and I) say thank you. ^_^

  7. Oh Adi! You always have the most gorgeous photos :0)
    I like the first pic the best. Charlie just has that light in her eyes and it makes her look like she's up to something.
    I'm too freaked out to try night photography! I'll have to try it some time, maybe this weekend.
    Can't wait for Christmas pics!
    - Zoë

    1. Oh Zoë, you say the sweetest things. ^_^
      Haha, she does look like she's up to something doesn't she? =)
      You should try it. It's an interesting experience.

  8. Aww, thanks for the nomination!! That really means a lot to us <3 Ah, yes, the freaky photoshoot with the spooky train rolling by... xD

  9. I agree with the spooky factor. The light makes the mood either sad or a monster will leap out of a dark alley and maul her.
    Hmm that was a little morbid. Maybe it's not quite like that.
    You could also argue that it's lonely.

    Ok I'm done analyzing your pictures now. 0_o

    I would love to see a photostory!

    1. Yeah, there's a bit of a spooky factor to them. And idk if Charlie would've encountered a monster, but it sure was freaky out at night xD
      I'll hopefully have one up by the weekend. =)

  10. Do I tell them that I nominated them on their blog as a comment?
    idk if they look at my blog.

    Allie D.

    1. Yeah, if you're unaware as to if they read your blog frequently you can just drop them a comment on their blog telling them that they've been nominated. =)

  11. I love the pictures! They are so clear! To tell you the truth, I would be scared to take pictures at night of my dolls... There are coyotes and bears and wolves where I live! And my cameras pictures at night stink!

    1. Thanks, dear! ^_^
      It was freaky being out at night, & I don't live in a place half as rural as your's. I doubt your night pictures would stink though. =)

    2. How far are you from a grocery store?

  12. Those pics are gorgeous! I think that you are a great photographer. =)

    1. Aww thank you Kathryn. That means a lot. =)

  13. Hello Adi!
    Secret Santa here! Just wanted to wish you a happy holidays and to say your blog is so cute and nice. Please pass this along to at least to other blogs to be their Secret Santa!

    Have a nice day!
    ~Secret Santa

    1. Secret Santa you just made my dad. Thanks you "sir." ;)
      ~Adi (Who shall pass this on.)

    2. Eee, I mean day not dad. >_<

  14. Hello Adi!!
    It's the Secret Santa's!! We hope you have an amazing holiday season this year!! Your blog is so sweet, we always look forward to reading it :)
    ~The Secret Santa's G and J :)

  15. Yess! You didn't nominate me!! Sorry, I just have A TON of awards to catch up on, so I appreciate if y'all don't nominate me for anything for like, 5 years...:P


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